at least currentYear-1994 year old game dev studying mathematics
I'm on twitter as @funbyjohn
Did a couple of Ludum Dares (72 hour game jams) with tak, resulting in a game about language and helpfulness and a game about having 10 seconds to use a tool and a game about staying afloat
Later, an experiment about rendering a triangle one pixel at a time (rasterization) turned into a 3D engine. Using this engine I made a SNES-era style tunnel game in 10 days for GBJAM (game jam about making a game boy game, so 160x144 and 4 colors)
I often find myself programming graphics for games, but when I need more than just a circle or lines, I'm often in trouble. Then I started working on a program that would let me draw simple vector art, and give me back the data in a way I could easily use. Then I had the idea of giving individual lines and points metadata, for example if you wanted to create the level geometry for a game, you'd want to know which lines are ground, water, lava, etc. This became Metaplot
In 2016 I went to my first real life game jam, which was Nordic Game Jam. Here I made a prototype for a game about orthographic projections (related tweet)
Math article(s) I wrote with code examples and demos: